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After almost a year of investigating different cosmetic procedures, I have finally decided that I would like a facelift. I am planning it during my two week vacation from work. I am also not going to tell anyone except my best friend that I am getting it done. Will the bruising be completely gone by two weeks? Should I take another week’s vacation so that no one can tell that I have had a face lift?

Most patients are able to get back out after 2 weeks following a facelift, but WITH make-up. Although most the swelling and bruising will be gone, some will probably persist. In addition, the incisions will stay pink for several weeks. Spending time with an experienced make-up artist (which our office has full time) is critical to getting back to things quickly.

Recovery after facial surgery is typically shorter than most patients expect, but spending time with an experienced make up artist can really expedite the process.