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Brow Lift (Forehead Lift) in Indianapolis, Indiana

Located in Carmel and Greenwood, Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery, led by double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Mark M. Hamilton, M.D., F.A.C.S., offers brow lifts for men and women who live in and around Indianapolis, Indiana. The brow lift, or forehead lift as it is also known, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to restore a refreshed and youthful appearance to the forehead area. During the surgery, the forehead is smoothed, and the eyebrows are elevated. This improves the appearance of forehead creases, drooping eyebrows, hooding over the eyes, frown lines and forehead furrows, also known as worry lines.

What Is A Brow Lift?

Also called a forehead lift, a brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that will improve the appearance of a patient’s forehead by minimizing or completely removing forehead creases, forehead furrows, hooding over the eyes, frown lines and drooping eyebrows. It is carried out by removing excess soft tissue and altering the position of the muscles to create a youthful and refreshed appearance.

Brow Lift (Forehead Lift) in Indianapolis, Indiana

How Much Does A Brow Lift Cost in Indianapolis, Indiana?

Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery seeks to make facial surgery procedures available and affordable for everyone. To accomplish this, we accept cash, major credit cards and personal checks for brow lifts.

How Do I Know If I’m A Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Almost any patient that is no longer satisfied with the appearance of their forehead and eyebrows will make an excellent candidate for a brow lift. It is important that all patients are in relatively good health and have realistic expectations about the surgery.

What Will Happen During A Consultation For A Brow Lift?

You and Dr. Hamilton will begin this process with a close inspection of your medical history to ensure that there are no issues that could affect the results. Patients will also be told how this procedure is carried out, the risks associated with the procedure and what they can do to prepare for their surgery.

What Type of Anesthesia Will I Receive For My Brow Lift?

Occasionally, a patient will be administered general anesthesia before their procedure, but most patients require a combination of local anesthesia and sedation.

Before and After Pictures

How Are Brow Lifts Performed?

A traditional forehead lift begins with the anesthesia being administered before an incision is made just behind the hairline. The patient’s forehead skin will gently be lifted to expose the underlying soft tissue and muscle. Dr. Hamilton can then begin the process of altering the muscle and skin to reduce the visibility of lines and wrinkles.

An endoscopic forehead lift can be carried out with much smaller incisions near the hairline. A device known as an endoscopic camera is used to inspect the soft tissue and make minor alterations. The incisions are then sutured, and a bandage is placed on the forehead.

How Long is The Surgery For A Brow Lift?

Most forehead lifts can be performed in as little as 60 minutes, but some surgeries can last for up to two hours.

Where Are The Incisions Located For A Brow Lift?

Both traditional brow lifts and endoscopic brow lifts require incisions near the hairline. Endoscopic brow lifts are carried out with a series of small incisions instead of two or more larger incisions.

Will I Have Scars After My Forehead Lift?

One of the main benefits of a brow lift is the fact that almost all incisions are hidden by the patient’s hairline.

Will I Need Someone Else To Drive Me Home After My Brow Lift Procedure Or Will I Be Able To Drive Myself?

All patients should plan on having a friend or family member drive them home after the procedure. This includes patients that are given a topical anesthetic as opposed to a general anesthetic.

What Should I Expect Of The Recovery After My Brow Lift?

Patients should carefully follow all aftercare instructions given to them by Dr. Hamilton. The bandages that are applied immediately after a brow lift are generally removed within one week, and the stitches can often be taken out within 48 hours. Some patients experience a mild headache and numbness following their surgery. There is also a chance of minor hair loss near the incision sites.

How Much Time Should I Plan To Take Off From Work After My Brow Lift?

Endoscopic patients can typically return to their regular daily activities within four or five days. Traditional brow lifts require seven to 10 days before the patient can return to work.

How Soon After My Brow Lift Will I Be Able To Exercise?

You should plan on avoiding most physical activities including exercising for at least three to four weeks. In rare cases, some patients require two to three full months before they can begin exercising.

When Will The Stitches Be Removed After My Brow Lift?

Stitches will be removed within 14 days for traditional brow lifts and seven days for endoscopic brow lifts.

Will My Brow Lift Be Covered By Insurance?

Forehead lifts which are solely cosmetic in nature are generally not covered by insurance. Patients should be sure to check with their own insurance carrier.


Post Operative Brow Lift Instructions


The following is a list of general instructions for your care following your surgery. Please read them carefully several times as most of your questions should be answered here. Instructions for your care will also be reviewed the morning after surgery. Carefully following these instructions should help you get the best results from your surgery.

After Surgery

Following your surgery you will be sent home with a dressing to be worn overnight. The night following surgery it is important for you to have someone with you—this is a must! You should plan on remaining within thirty miles from the location of your surgery for this first night. It is also important for you to keep your head elevated the evening after surgery as well as for the first two weeks following surgery. This can be done by either sleeping in a recliner tilted at 45 degrees or sleeping with two pillows underneath the head. Avoid rolling onto your face. Sleeping on your back for the first two weeks after surgery helps to ensure this.

Daily Care

This care will be reviewed the morning following your surgery:

  1. The incisions behind your hairline are closed with staples that do not require daily care. If you have sutures in front of your hairline these will require cleaning three times a day. This is done by first cleaning the suture line with Hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip. Next apply a generous amount of either Vaseline or Bacitracin ointment.
  2. You may shower the second day following surgery and should shower everyday following this. Be sure to use a gentle shampoo such as Johnson’s Baby Shampoo.
  3. Be sure to report immediately any signs of bleeding that persist after ten minutes of direct pressure, infection, redness, fever, unusual drainage, or pain.
  4. Stitches and staples will be removed at the one-week point.

What to expect


Swelling will vary both patient-to-patient as well as side-to-side. Swelling may actually increase the first three to four days before subsiding. Most of your swelling should resolve over the first two to three weeks. Do expect, however, to have minor fluctuations in the remaining swelling over the course of the next two to three months. Things to do to minimize this swelling include keeping your head elevated as much as possible over the first two to three weeks, avoid bending over or heavy lifting for the first three weeks, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure for the first two to three months.


Bruising will vary like swelling from person to person as well as side-to-side. Most bruising and discoloration should resolve over the first two weeks. Make up, with Dr. Hamilton’s permission, can be applied ten days to two weeks after surgery.


Most of your forehead will be numb following surgery. This is normal and will subside over the coming weeks to months. Unusual sensations, pins and needles, and occasionally mild discomfort may occur as these nerves regenerate over time.

A temporary thinning of the hair along the incision lines can occur. This should grow back over time.


  1. No strenuous exercise for at least two weeks.
  2. No heavy lifting for three weeks.
  3. Hair coloring should be delayed for four weeks after surgery.
  4. No driving for one, preferably two weeks after surgery.


The healing time for forehead/ brow lift surgery is often less than expected and the results are worth the wait. While swelling should be completely gone after four to six weeks, your healing will continue for the entire first year. I will follow you through this entire process, but be patient.

Please do not hesitate to ever contact our office.

Mark M. Hamilton, M.D., F.A.C.S., is recognized as one of the top physicians in America for facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing solely in cosmetic facial procedures, Dr. Hamilton provides his Indianapolis patients with exceptional skills and results that last. For more information on brow lifts or to schedule a private consultation at Dr. Hamilton’s Carmel or Greenwood office, please contact us.