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Plastic Surgery in Indianapolis, INSmokers’ Skin May Age Faster – Reuters (10/29, Pittman) reports a recent identical twin study indicates smokers will likely develop bags under their eyes and wrinkles around their lips earlier than non-smokers. Judges unaware of which twin smoked thought the smoker looked older 57% of the time, a pattern maintained when both twins smoked but one began earlier than the other. However, the difference in most cases was not substantial.

For years Dr.Hamilton has discussed with patients his and their two biggest enemies: the sun and smoking. Now a recent study regarding twins adds further evidence that smoking accelerates the signs of aging.

Smoking not only affects aging, it also affects surgical results. Smokers have a higher risk of bleeding with surgery and more bruising and swelling. For certain procedures, smoking is contraindicated a month before and a month after. Nicotine directly affects the skin vascularity slowing the healing process and increasing the likelihood of scarring. This means even the patch or electronic cigarettes can have harmful affects.

Sun exposure in small doses is actually healthy, but most Americans go well beyond that. Sun accelerates aging by increasing free radicals. This leads to premature aging and increased risks of skin cancer. Sun worshipers will note deeper lines, more brown and red spots and an overall more weathered appearance. In addition, sun damaged skin is less likely to respond well to cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Hamilton strongly recommends smokers make every effort to quit- there are few things that you can do that will have a more direct affect on slowing down the aging process and improving your overall health. In addition, sun screen is our number one recommended skin care product. Careful sun exposure and tobacco avoidance are great ways to look and feel your best.