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I would like to get injectable fillers in my face. I would like to plump up both my lips and my nasolabial folds which have gotten quite pronounced. I would like hyaluronic acid because the reports that I read indicate it is longer lasting than collagen. Is hyaluronic acid appropriate for both areas?

Hyaluronic acids are the number one filler right now as well as Dr. Hamilton’s favorite for many reasons. One is that the are so versatile- they are great for both enhancement of the lips as well as softening the nasolabial folds. In addition, the hyaluronic acids are long lasting (9-12 months compared to 3-4 months for traditional collagen), natural (HA is a natural component of skin) and reversible. Options include Juvederm Ultra, Juveder Ultra Plus, Juvederm Ultra XC, Juvederm Ultra plus XC Restylane, Perlane, Prevelle Silk as well as others.