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I know that Juvederm is made of hyaluronic acid. What is its purpose in the natural world, and how does that relate to cosmetic treatments?

Hyaluronic Acid is a carbohydrate, more specifically a sugar. Its function in the body is, amongst other things, to bind water and to lubricate movable parts of the body, such as joints and muscles. Its consistency and tissue-friendliness allows it to be beneficial in skin-care products as an excellent moisturizer. Because HA is one of the most hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules in nature with numerous benefits for the human body it can be described as “nature’s moisturizer”.

Although Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can be found naturally in most every cell in the body, it is found in the greatest concentrations in the skin tissue.  Young, healthy-looking skin contains an abundance of a natural hyaluronic acid (HA). But as you age, sunlight and other factors can reduce the amount of HA in your skin. The lack of HA causes your skin to lose structure and volume. It creates unwanted facial wrinkles and folds, like those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth. More important than just filling folds or lines on the face, fillers can be used to restore volume. They create balance and harmony of the facial features as well as to bring out youthful contours.